Directed Improv (Introduction): Many Faces of Improv
Improvisation is a technique that many actors have used at one point or another whether on or off stage. This workshop help students understand short-form improv as a technique that frees the student from the fear of the unknown.
(i) Game-based
(ii) Organic
(iii) Narrative
Through the above three major improv styles, students are taught exercises created by the founders of Improvisation – Viola Spolin, Del Close, and Keith Jonstone. The workshop is designed to aid confidence, how to think, speak and do off the cuff and problem solving skills.
Over the course of eight weeks, student learn the brief historical contextualisation of several improv concepts, practise some systematic exercises and understand the craft through videos of interviews and performances. Students also discover the underlying principles that help an improv scene come together.
Within the three improv styles, there is an emphasis on the story-telling approach. Through various exercises, students are given the chance to try out different types of improvisation exercises while having the constant support of a scene director.
The workshop culminates in the students preparing for two Directed Improv formats:
The Micetro, licensed by Keith Johnstone.
The Match, invented by Robert Gravel and unlicensed.
– Introduction to the history, rules and structure of major improv styles
– Improvisation games and exercises to encourage risk-taking and ensemble energy building
– Applying concepts and techniques to further understand improv styles
– Personalized feedback for every student
– Improv exercises created by improvisation founders
– Historical contextualization of improv concepts
– Practise systematic exercises
– Viewing of relevant media and performances
– Increase ability to form ideas quickly and present them in a coherent relevant manner
– Improve concentration skills
– Think on your feet and recognise opportunities as they arise
– Be flexible in thinking and behaviour
– Develop story-telling capability
– Conquer fear of public speaking
Raised in Avignon, where one of the most famous French theatre festivals is held every summer, Arnaud Pierre started his first theatre classes in elementary school. Throughout high school, Arnaud studied classic French theatre and even co-wrote a few plays. It was only in 2006 that he discovered his one true love amongst all types of theatrical performance: improvisation.
Arnaud studied dozens of different improvisation formats with various coaches for eight years and discovered the many faces of improv, such as the narrative style of Keith Johnstone, Del Close’s organic approach and Viola Spolin’s games-based format. Arnaud has performed with a variety of different improv troupes in France, and in national and international festivals. Arnaud arrived in Singapore in 2012, wide-eyed and eager to experience the Improv scene in the Lion City. This led to him quickly setting up a troupe with The Theatre Factory, as well as joining The Improv Company where he performs frequently.